Sunday, 20 March 2016

#RajRiya @2


Was it a date ??or just a coffee??

But whatever it was,  she was happy! and eager to meet him...eager to get a best compliment! from him ....loads of thoughts on her mind ....loads of expectations...
She reached CCD at 6.15 ..she was late 15 min. But 15mins are nothing in the buzy cities like Delhi.....
She stood at the entrance of the cafe trying to find him....

He was waiting for her at the side table........ A table for two, A perfect table for her beautiful evening...

Riya: sorry... Am I too late?
          Did I made you wait too long....?

Raj : NO ,No  only 15 min...sit down
(Said comforting her)

Riya: Thankyou ...

She sat down trying comforting her,but she failed....she looked around ...those purple sofa style chairs and white tables with a glass top which complimented the purple wallpaper in and around the cafe with few jokes and coffee stories imprinted on it.....

After admiring the place ...she finally took a look of him. He was in his dark purple small check casual shirt with a pair of dark denim that was absolutely complementing and going with his fairly toned complexion.....
You are looking nice....!!! (Riya complimented him)
Thankyou.......He gratefully replied.
Now, Riya was expecting a compliment or some comment for herself too just to make sure he too noticed her .....her hardwork of shifting all the clothes from her cupboard to her bed,to her dressing table....But nothing happened so.... :-(
Your order sir....?? The waitress was asking for their order...

Yes, What would you like to have???(Raj asked)

Cold coffee with hot chocolate on top......

And you sir??
Make that two..... Thankyou.

OkAy .... she returned back to the counter getting their order placed referring their table as table no.5....

So tell something....? ( Raj asked with great interest )
But all her interest was lost somewhere, because she thought Raj didn't noticed her hardwork........her dress...... not even her Eagerness to meet him....

Sometimes expecting a lot hurts so much, yeah!! but her expectations would not be called a lot..... she just expected  a little attention.... a little to here about herself from him.....

Atleast this is not a lot to be expected for a girl ...Come On !!...!! Every girl expect this and only girls can expect and.. If not they? Then who??

Riya : what to say....Nothing say ...hows everything going on....??

#To be continued.....

Saturday, 19 March 2016

#RajRiya @1

Raj : shall we meet today???

Riya : hmmm today!! Yeah where??

Raj : CCD lets have evening coffee together at 6 ..Will that be okay??

Yap sure... Riya said.

This was the best day for Riya...
Finally her one sided love was taking steps ahead.... maybe to become complete or just to be a good friendship..
Maybe Raj started to notice her or maybe able to recognize her emotions ....that were much more than a good friendship... or maybe it was just a meet.... a casual meet for Raj but definitely not for her...
It was 5'O clock, Riya went down back to home,quickly dressed up in her best dress from her beautiful collection....

She dressed herself in yellow top that was having small autom leafs printed in brown and a tight fitted denim of dark blue shade that was absolutely complementing her yellow top and her natural ,beautiful,radiant skin ...A black 4inchs heel made her perfect... perfect to have a date with him....

But was it a date? Or just a coffee?

#To be continued.....


Friday, 18 March 2016


I have closed my eyes and I am expecting  you to be here only Raj u know naa! I scare from dark....
And how many times Riya I have told you that Its only you who can see the darkness after closing your eyes...

oops! ...yeah! ...but  u always prank me naa! I keep my eyes closed any you make me wait for so long....
But yeah! ,thats a different thing u always surprise me once I open baby! Wats your plan for this time?
Shona! Will you sit there and can keep your eyes and mouth shut?...., you are rude...Fine(frowned)....

So, readers these are my characters #Raj and #Riya.... hope you all are going to enjoy reading their moments ...sometimes together....sometimes alone....sometimes waiting(for eachother)....sometimes...... Ssshhh! Wait for the episodes..... #RajRiya

Tuesday, 15 March 2016


Standing n staring you for the long time wasn't enough to live my life....
My life was linked to something different.

Not really a person but yes much more faithful than any living being....
Not really a bunch of papers but yes pages from my heart....

I couldn't imagine my life without it was even there with me when I was alone... it was there with me when I was in elation.... I have ignored it many a times but it never disrespected me in return ....Many will think that how come a diary can disrespect will remain neutral in all cases.... .

But ....but....but.... I have my imaginations to Go.....
It is neutral obviously it never speak to me....  but deep back in my mind I just glance away my thoughts that... What If?.... it starts to demotivate me ....? ....What if.... it starts to make my writeups disappear....? ?...
Sounds stupidity ....but what's harm in imagining stuffs like this? Does it harm in anyway? Rather they give us a new avenue to take a walk of thoughts.....
. But sometimes I think ...god must also have imagined a planet like ours...thats why he is still sleeping....thats why we all are there in his dreams ....God knows....

So people keep the button of imagination ON....  imagine and create....

Wednesday, 2 March 2016


I saw someone writing over my diary....and i realised it was someone similar to me... i came forward to have a look of that someone.... I peeped forward to look into the diary it was the same scripting style as me .... she used it the same way..... i read the title... it was 'pages from my heart' was familiar wasn't new for if it was again happening to me.... as if its again traveling from my past towards present.... but to the nxt second I placed my hand over her right shoulder ...she shook herself back and looked towards me...
I was falling apart on seeing someone exactly lyk me.... I couldn't believe on my eyes I felt as if my vision is puzzling me out...but when my eyes n mind were fighting over the fact she smiled to me .I got puzzled again from her smile....before i could ask her name n her smile told me that somethings wrong....she said Ayushi !

I began to look at her face getting numb by her voice taking my name... I dragged my guts all together and asked her Who are you?. ? She just laughed and came towards me and thn vanished somewhere.... i couldn't see her anywhere.....but at last her voice echoed..... Follow your conscious Ayushi...she said..... hearing that I just got up and realized it was a dream....
But something was still wrong in my head n ran to grab my diary ....after flipping my pages... atlast there was a write-up titled   'pages from my heart'..